Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Is Your Fall Arrest System Safe?

Did you know that OSHA requires a visual inspection of all fall arrest equipment prior to each use?

To maintain high performance of your equipment, all fall arrest equipment, harnesses, lanyards, and its hardware should be routinely inspected by a “trained and competent” person. Over time, belts, rings, lanyards and webbing can become frayed or distorted which could cause an arrest system to fail.

Before using any equipment, the following should be examined:

Harnesses – Hold one side toward you and invert the harness in a “V” shape. Look for any broken fibers, cuts, or frayed edges.

Rings/Buckles – Check for any distortion, cracks, or rough edges.

Lanyards – Check the hardware for any distortion, cracks, pitted surfaces or corrosion. Thimbles should be firmly seated in the eye of the splice, and there should be no loose or cut strands. Inspect the lanyard by rotating it and check for any cuts, breaks or discoloration.

For OSHA’s comprehensive inspection list, go to: 

Need an ongoing Inspection/Maintenance Program for your equipment?
Email us at smartlift@wiscolift.com or call our Sales Representative at 800-242-3477 and we would be happy to design a program tailored to your company’s needs.