Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Prolong the Life of Your Fall Protection Equipment

Keeping your employees safe does not stop after purchasing fall protection equipment. How you take care of your equipment will contribute to either high performance or diminished safety.

  1. Store your equipment in an area that is clean, dry, and has no exposure to fumes or corrosive elements.
  2. Wipe off all surface dirt with a dampened sponge using plain water. Then squeeze the sponge dry and dip it in a mild solution of water and detergent or soap. Work up a thick lather, wiping the equipment vigorously. Follow by wiping the belt with a dry clean cloth.
  3. Hang wet equipment to dry away from excessive heat or sunlight.

Caring for your equipment will prolong and endure its life as well as keep it functioning appropriately.

#safetyharnesscare  #fallprotectionequipment